My beating heart.

As the heart beats from right to left, going hand in hand with each and every atrium to ventricle pump is do. For when I see you my heart may skip a ventricle beat or two. For I know when I talk to you my heart remembers all of what you say and do. As blood flows through my body, from head to toe, so does my love for you flow. Take my heart and my love for you into thy breast to know how much I LOVE YOU, my love. As my heart beats from right to left, going hand in with each and every atrium to ventricle pump so does my love for you.

For what is love?

To wonder what may come to be
To find one's true love which would be?
To wonder what they maybe like a parent of thine.
To wonder if they may stay or to set them free or do they flee from thee?
To wonder if thee may be like thine parent that See what thee don't want to be.
To find one's true love, for that which is true which will find that what dreams.
When that one true love is found thoughts from above thee have will be gone to disappear from thee.

Ode to Family

Family is what you make.
Looking forward to that day when you come home and hear "daddy is here" from a child's voice to say.
They say it's time to play or daddy it's time for tea with Teddy and me.
Family is what is made
To be a parent of shelter, to cry on, to talk with, of guidance, to teach and of love.
Family is what time is spent.

Where to Go

for I have no where to run, to hide, to sleep or a place for peace.
For where I go I have nothing there
But yet I have nothing where am at
So where is that peace I seek
Is it with the setting sun in the West, do I follow?
Or do I go east to the raising moon.
Looking for an answer, a place of peace,to hide, to sleep.
For in that sleep is where and what dreams may come.
Where do I go to hide, to sleep, where to go?